Otter Class Activities

A look back to Otter Class’ last week of term. In school the children had a fun time exploring in the Forest School area; they enjoyed playing football and taking part in The Marches Academy Trust Primary Varsity Archery Tournament and had a trip to the library van.

As you might have seen in one of our previous Facebook posts, the children went on a trip to the Iron Bridge Museum. It was the first school trip of the year and was very well organised, with all safety rules and social distancing rule abided by. Ms Thomas arranged a horse and cart trip for the group and all the children were allowed to go into the sweet shop and all buy 4oz of the old style sweets. It has been lovely to get lots of positive feedback from parents/carers – a big thank you and well done to Ms Thomas for organising.

Posted by marchesadmin on 26th October 2020, under Uncategorised

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