Community team working | Our star designer!
Last term our pupils were invited to design a piece of artwork to be displayed in one of the upcoming show homes at the new Gleeson Homes development – Brushwood Gardens on Whitchurch Road (by the Esso petrol station). The design had to incorporate the theme of butterflies, linked to the butterfly conservation area at Prees.
Today we invited Rob Cleary from Gleeson Homes into school, so the children could find out more about the new building work in the area and the process of building houses. At the end of the assembly, we found out the winning design.
First prize of a £25 Amazon gift card was awarded to Maddison Tyler Jones for her beautiful blue design! Badger Class also won £50 worth of book tokens for their designs.
We are very proud of Maddison, and her design, which will now be used in Gleeson Home’s show home in Prees.

Posted by marchesadmin on 17th May 2022, under Uncategorised
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