“I love coding and using scratch! We also use the laptops in loads of our other lessons, so we are expert researchers “– Francis Year 6
“We went on the NASA website to practise some coding by moving a mars river around. That was really fun.”
“We research our final projects and then use PowerPoint to make detailed presentations for the whole class.”
Intent: Why we do what we do
Implementation: How we teach Computing?
Impact: How we know we have learnt it
Whole school long term planning
Progression of knowledge and skills
We ensure that all our children know and understand the skills required as part of their history curriculum. Children are actively encouraged to reflect and discuss on the key skills they have shown either during a history lesson. This is a really useful way not only for staff to assess the skills that are developed overtime, but for children to self-assess as part of their ongoing development. We use our ‘Working with Computing’ sheet for children to record how they have done this.
How can I help my child at home?
UK safer internet advice centre