
Our vision

At Tilstock CE Primary School, our staff and governors are committed in providing a positive, nurturing and emotionally safe environment where children feel empowered and motivated to care about themselves and their school.

Through powerful projects and meaningful experiences, we provide regular opportunities for children to contribute, create and to be recognised for their individual talents. Children feel confident in developing the relevant key skills and knowledge required in a way that progresses naturally from year to year across the curriculum.

In partnership with parents, staff and the community, children are enabled to flourish and achieve their full potential through love, aspirations, positive role-models underpinned by our Christian Values.




























Spring Term curriculum planners

Squirrel Class

Otter Class

Badger Class

2 year rolling curriculum plan

Download a copy here

Opening Hours

Our opening hours are from 8:30am – 3:00pm each day. This totals 32 hours and 30 minutes per week.